
Sunday 14 April 2024

Understanding Prayer, Law, and Its Pillars

Understanding Prayer, Law, and Its Pillars

Prayer is a form of worship that is mandatory for every Muslim. Prayers must be performed five times, namely at Fajr, Zuhr, Asr, Maghrib and Isha.

In general, prayers are divided into two, namely fardu prayers and sunnah prayers. Fardu prayers consist of five times and must be performed every day. Meanwhile, sunnah prayers are not required to be performed every day but are recommended at certain times.

So what is the meaning of prayer, the law on fardu prayer, and its pillars? Check out the explanation below.

Get to know the meaning of prayer

According to the Big Indonesian Dictionary (KBBI), prayer is written as "salat", which is the second pillar of Islam, which is mandatory for every Muslim mukalaf, with certain conditions, pillars, and readings. Starting from Takbir and ending with greetings, then prayer as a form of worship to Allah SWT.

Quoting from the book Guide to Mandatory Prayers & Sunnah Throughout the Age of the Prophet Muhammad. By Ustadz Arif Rahmat, prayer comes from Arabic, "AS Shalah", which etymologically means prayer.

In terms of terms and sharia, prayer is a certain or special act of worship that begins with takbiratul ihram and ends with greetings with certain conditions.

So what is the ruling on fardhu prayers? See the explanation below.

Law on Performing Fardu Prayers

The law of carrying out prayers is fardu'ain or obligatory for every Muslim who is mudallaf (burdened with sharia obligations), baliq and 'aqil (reasonable). As Allah SWT said:

"Even though they were not ordered except to worship Allah by purifying obedience to Him in (practicing) a straight religion, and so that they perform prayers and pay zakat.

Allah SWT directly commands His people to pray. Rasulullah SAW also taught and exemplified how to pray. As he said, "Pray, as you see me praying." (HR. Bukhari)

It is stated in the Al-Quran, Al-Ma'un verses 4-5, that prayer must be paid close attention to and one should not be negligent in performing it. Allah SWT says, "So woe to those who pray (namely) those who neglect their prayers." (QS. Al-Ma'un: 4-5)

Written in the hadith narrated by Ahmad, Abu Daud, At-Tirmidhi, An-Nasai and Ibn Maja, the Prophet said:

“The separation between us and them (infidels) is prayer. Whoever abandons it, he has truly disbelieved."

It can be concluded that fardu prayers are obligatory and if they are not performed, it is a sin and is considered infidel. So that fardu prayers are accepted by Allah SWT. As Muslims, we must understand the pillars of Fardu prayer.

Rukun Performing Fardu Prayers

When praying, you should pay attention to the 12 pillars of prayer so that the prayer is valid. If you do not fulfill the pillars of prayer, the prayer is considered invalid or invalid. So, pay attention to the following pillars of prayer:

1. Stand for those who are able, if you are unable, you are allowed to sit, if you are unable to sit, you can lie down, either on your side or on your back.

2. Start praying with Takbiratul Ihram.

3. Reading Al Fatihah.

4. Bow.

5. Ictidal.

6. Prostration.

7. Get up from prostration and sit between two prostrations.

8. Tumakninah when performing the pillars of prayer.

9. Sit at the final tasyahud.

10. Final tasyahud.

11. Shalawat to the Prophet.

12. Get up to perform prayers.

13. Salam.

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