
Monday 15 April 2024

What is Zakat in Islam: Law, Types, Conditions, Pillars and Wisdom of Giving Zakat

What is Zakat in Islam: Law, Types, Conditions, Pillars and Wisdom of Giving Zakat

Understanding Zakat, Law, Types, Conditions, Pillars, Wisdom - One of the obligations of Muslims is to pay Zakat. Zakat is a form of worship listed in the pillars of Islam. For every Muslim who is financially stable, or able, it is obligatory for him to pay zakat to people in need.

Zakat is a form of worship that has the aim of helping less fortunate people. In the Quran, Zakat is mentioned many times. So what is meant by zakat? What are the types of zakat and their pillars? What is the wisdom of paying zakat?

A. What is Zakat in Islam

Zakat is a worship practice in which Muslims give 2.5% of their wealth to donate to the needy. Currently, in most countries with a Muslim majority, giving zakat is voluntary, but there are also several countries where zakat is also managed by the government. In countries like England, for example, Muslims there pay zakat by giving it directly to charities.

Based on the definition of zakat, zakat is defined as a conception of Islamic teachings that encourages Muslims to love others, realize social justice and various and empower society, then to eradicate poverty. Learn more about zakat in the book The Virtues of Zakat, Infaq, Alms.

B. Understanding Zakat According to Language and Terms

Zakat comes from Arabic which means to purify. Zakat is a form of alms to Muslims. Zakat is treated in Islam as an obligation or like a tax. In the pillars of Islam, giving zakat is in third place, after prayer. Even though zakat is obligatory for Muslims, not everyone can pay zakat. There are several conditions for giving zakat, for example having sufficient assets or not lacking them.

In the Islamic view, giving one's wealth to other people in need can purify their souls and is also a reminder that the property does not belong to them, but to Allah SWT who has been entrusted to them. Muslims believe that the more you give, the more Allah SWT will give you many times more in the afterlife.

C. Zakat Law

In the Quran, the practice of zakat is mentioned several times. As in Surah Al-Araf verse 156, the people who will be given happiness in the afterlife are those who pay zakat.

Indeed, we return (repent) to You. (Allah) says, “I will inflict My punishment on whom I will and My mercy covers everything. So I will assign My mercy to those who are pious, who pay zakat, and those who believe in Our verses."

In the Al-Quran it is also explained that zakat is obligatory for Muslims who are financially capable. Paying zakat is done for the safety of this world and the hereafter. Muslims believe that giving zakat can get a reward, whereas if you neglect to give zakat you will get a sin.

In Surah Al-Baqarah verse 177, it is also explained who is entitled to receive zakat.

"Virtue is not turning your face towards the east and the west, but virtue is (the virtue) of those who believe in Allah, the Last Day, the angels, the books and the prophets and give the treasures they love to their relatives, orphans, poor people, people who are on a journey (travelers), beggars, and to free their servants, who perform prayers and pay zakat, people who keep their promises when they promise, and people who are patient in need, suffering and in times of war. They are the truthful people, and they are the pious ones."

D. Types of Zakat

For Muslims, there are two types of zakat that must be paid, namely zakat fitrah and zakat mal.

1. Zakat Fitrah

Zakat fitrah is zakat that must be paid to a Muslim who is able to fulfill it and has enough. Zakat fitrah is zakat that must be paid once a year. When paying zakat fitrah is generally done in the month of Ramadan, usually paying zakat fitrah is done before the Eid al-Fitr holiday. Apart from that, what differentiates zakat fitrah from other zakat is that zakat fitrah is required to be paid before carrying out the Eid prayer.

Zakat fitrah means purifying wealth. This is because in every person's possessions, part of it belongs to other people, especially people who need it. Apart from that, the wealth that belongs to humans does not belong to all of them, but it is a gift from Allah SWT as explained in the Smart Book on Fasting Ramadhan, Zakat Fitrah, Eid al-Fitr, Eid al-Adha.

The amount of zakat that must be paid for zakat fitrah is one sha, or 2.5 kg of rice, dates, sago, and wheat. The amount of zakat can be adjusted according to consumption per person in a day at the applicable time because this can change due to inflation in the country. This provision is based on the authentic hadith above.

In accordance with the definition of zakat fitrah, although Muslims are obliged to pay zakat, not all Muslims are obliged and able to carry out this practice. People who have responsibility for other people must pay zakat to the people under their responsibility. For example, a father or mother is obliged to pay zakat fitrah for their children.

Zakat fitrah can also be paid in the form of money equivalent to 1 sha' of wheat, dates rice, and other staple foods. The nominal value of the money you want to give zakat must be adjusted to the prices of basic food ingredients that apply in the area. In Indonesia itself, you can pay zakat fitrah through a trusted Amil Zakat Institution. Zakat fitrah may be paid from the beginning of the month of Ramadan until before the time of Eid al-Fitr prayers or in the final days of the holy month of Ramadan.

2. Zakat Mal

Mal zakat is zakat on assets. Something can be called an asset if it meets certain conditions, such as being able to be owned, stored, or controlled, and the benefits can be taken according to the asset. Examples of assets include houses, cars, land, livestock, gold and silver.

The following are the conditions for wealth that must be given zakat:

These assets are assets that are completely his. Of course, fully owned assets must also have full value and benefit. Assets that can be given zakat must be obtained in accordance with Islamic law. Assets cannot be given zakat if they are found in a way that is not in accordance with Islamic law, such as stealing, etc.

The assets owned can grow or increase.

The assets owned have reached a certain amount in accordance with the provisions of zakat or are in accordance with the nisab.

These assets are excess after meeting basic needs. A person certainly has a minimum and varying amount to meet their basic daily needs, including those of their family members. If the basic needs of the person and his family are not met, then the assets owned are not required to be given zakat.

If someone has owned property for one year, it is obligatory to give zakat.

Calculating zakat mal must be adjusted to the gold price prevailing at that time because the price of gold always changes every year.

E. Zakat requirements

As has been explained based on the definition of zakat, to do zakat you must follow several conditions. The following are the mandatory conditions for paying zakat:



Mukallaf or puberty or adulthood

Have no debt

Have sufficient assets

Own property

F. Pillars of Zakat

The pillars of zakat are things that must be done when you want to give zakat. The following are the pillars of zakat.

1. Intention

When paying zakat, you should read the intention to give zakat. This is to remind us that we give zakat solely to Allah SWT.

a. Zakat giver

Zakat givers, commonly called muzakki, are people who are obliged to pay zakat. As mentioned above, the requirements for people giving zakat are Islam, independence, adulthood, no debt, and sufficient assets.

b. Zakat recipient

Zakat recipients are usually called mustahik. These mustahik are people who are entitled to receive zakat. In the Al-Quran, At-taubah verse 60, eight categories or groups of people are mentioned who meet the requirements to benefit from zakat.

"Indeed, zakat is only for the needy, the poor, those receiving zakat, whose hearts are softened (converts), to (free) servants, to (free) people who are in debt, Allah is All-Knowing, All-Wise.”

People who live without a livelihood, people who cannot meet their basic needs, people who collect zakat, people who have just converted to Islam, people who are free from slavery through a contract, people who have huge debts, people who fight in the way of Allah SWT, people who are traveling or stranded travelers, are people who are obliged to receive zakat or mustahik.

2. Zakat assets

The following are the assets that must be given zakat in zakat mal:

Gold and Silver are precious metals. Islam considers precious metals such as gold and silver as assets that can be developed. Checks, deposits, shares or other securities are included in the gold and silver category that can be given zakat. Houses, land, and vehicles are also included in the gold and silver categories that can be given zakat.

Livestock that must be given zakat are large livestock such as cows, goats, buffalo, camels, and chickens.

Agricultural products that must be given zakat are plants that have economic value. Agricultural products that can be given zakat are tubers, vegetables, fruit, ornamental plants and others.

Commercial assets are everything used in buying and selling. Examples of commercial assets are tools, jewelry, and clothing. Business or trade can be carried out through individuals or large companies.

Marine wealth and mining products are objects that come from deep within the earth and can also be given zakat because they have economic value. The products from the bowels of the earth include petroleum, copper, tin, and coal. The marine wealth that can be given zakat is pearls and amber.

Rikaz is a treasure that has been hidden for a long time since ancient times. One example of rikaz or hidden treasure is treasure. Of course, the rikaz treasure that is found must not have an owner and then it can be given zakat.

Zakat fitrah can be in the form of money, rice, dates or wheat weighing 2.5 kg.

G. Wisdom of Zakat

The following are some wisdom in paying zakat. Apart from eliminating obligations, paying zakat provides wisdom or benefits for this world and the hereafter. To learn more about zakat, infaq and shadaqah, which need to be instilled from an early age in order to raise awareness of zakat, infaq and shadaqah, Grameds can read the book Between Zakat, Infaq and Alms.

1. Sins will be forgiven

People who pay zakat not only get a reward but their previous sins are also forgiven. This is written in the hadith of the prophet narrated by Tirmidhi.

2. Get Allah's Pleasure

People who pay zakat will receive rewards and also the pleasure of Allah SWT. This is explained in the Al-Quran surah Ar-Rum 39.

“And any riba (additional) that you give so that people's wealth will increase, does not increase in the sight of Allah. And what you give in the form of zakat which you intend to gain Allah's approval, then those are the people who double (the reward)."

3. You will receive guidance from Allah SWT

As a people who always need God, of course, we need His guidance and help. For people who pay zakat, Allah SWT will give His guidance and mercy. This is stated in the Al-Quran Surah Lukman verses 4-5.

"(namely) people who perform prayers, pay zakat and they believe in the existence of the afterlife."

"They are the ones who continue to receive guidance from their Lord and they are the lucky ones."

4. Not a wretched person in this world and the hereafter

In the Al-Quran, Surah Al-Fusilat verses 6-7, it is explained that people who do not pay zakat and disobey Allah will be in trouble for their lives.

"Say (Muhammad), "I am only a human being like you, it was revealed to me that your God is the Almighty God, therefore you continue to (worship) Him and ask Him for forgiveness. And woe to those who associate partners with (Him).”

If people obey Allah and pay zakat, they will certainly not be among the wretched people as mentioned in the verse of the Quran above.

5. Perfecting one's faith

For Muslims who pay zakat, their faith will be perfect. This is mentioned in the hadith of the prophet narrated by Bukhari and Muslims.

People who pay zakat certainly don't only love themselves, but they also care about their siblings or other people. By loving others as he loves himself, his faith will be perfect.

H. How to Calculate Zakat

As previously explained, zakat is divided into two types, so the method for calculating zakat is also divided into two, namely how to calculate zakat fitrah and zakat mal.

How to Calculate Zakat Fitrah

Zakat fitrah is zakat that must be paid when the month of Ramadan arrives. The time to pay zakat fitrah is before Eid al-Fitr arrives. To pay zakat fitrah, you can pay rice. If in liters, then the rice that must be paid for zakat is 3.5 liters. Meanwhile, if zakat is used for rice in kilograms, then the zakat rice is 2.5 kilograms.

Zakat fitrah can also be paid using money. If someone wants to pay zakat fitrah with money, it must be adjusted to the price of rice in the surrounding area.

How to Calculate Zakat Mal

The calculation for paying zakat mal is different from paying zakat fitrah. Apart from that, a person is required to pay zakat mal if his income or income has reached the nisab. Nisab zakat is the wealth limit for whether a person must pay zakat mal or not. As for the zakat nisab, such as the silver zakat nisab of 200 dirhams or around 595 grams, the gold zakat nisab of 20 dinars or 85 grams, the trade zakat nisab of 20 dinars or the equivalent of 85 grams of gold, the agricultural zakat nisab or 653 kilograms of rice, etc. -other.

I. Purpose of Zakat

Some of the purposes of zakat are as follows.

Teaches humans to carry out their obligations, namely giving other people their rights.

Increasing ties of brotherhood, so that we can live in harmony and prosperity.

Help someone who is in need.

Eliminate the stingy or stingy nature within you.

Raising the status of the poor.

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