
Saturday 13 April 2024

Understanding the Meaning of Hajj, Conditions and Pillars

Understanding the Meaning of Hajj, Conditions and Pillars

Come on, let's learn about the meaning of Hajj together!

Hajj is the fifth pillar of Islam, and this pilgrimage is highly recommended for Muslims who can afford it. The definition of capable here is financially and physically capable. Hajj does require quite a lot of money, especially for those of you who live in Indonesia. This worship also includes many activities so physical strength and ability are required.

As a Muslim, of course you also want to make a pilgrimage to the Holy Land as a form of implementing the five pillars of Islam. However, before that, let's first get to know the meaning of Hajj, including the conditions for carrying it out, its pillars, types and priorities.

Understanding Hajj

Hajj is a form of Muslim worship apart from the Creed, prayer, fasting and zakat. The definition of Hajj is a visit to the Baitullah to perform worship at a certain time and in a certain way for Muslims who can afford it both physically and financially. The law on the pilgrimage is written in the Koran, Surah Al-Imran verse 97, which states that carrying out the pilgrimage to Baitullah is one of human obligations towards Allah SWT. The verse in the Surah also states who is obliged to perform Hajj, namely people who are able to travel there.

Mandatory Conditions for Carrying out Hajj

Now, you understand that the meaning of Hajj is a pilgrimage that must be carried out by Muslims who are financially and physically capable. However, to be able to perform the Hajj to the Holy Land, it is not enough just to be able. There are mandatory requirements that Muslims must fulfill if they want to perform Hajj. The mandatory conditions for performing Hajj are:

  • Various Islam.

  • Be sensible.

  • Have reached adulthood or

  • Physically and spiritually healthy, and strong enough to carry out the entire series of Hajj pilgrimages to the Holy Land.

  • Capable physically, mentally and materially. In terms of material means, a person should not sell the only source of life he has because this will bring harm to himself and his family.

  • Freedom, which means not a slave.

  • Pillars of Hajj

Apart from having to fulfill the mandatory requirements, Muslims who will carry out the Hajj pilgrimage also need to pay attention to the pillars of the Hajj. The pillars of the Hajj mean all the activities that must be carried out during the Hajj pilgrimage in the Holy Land. The pillars of Hajj include the following.

1. Ihram

Ihram refers to the state of purity that marks the start of the Hajj ritual. Ihram begins with reading the intention, then wearing white clothes; two white cloths wrapped around the waist to below the knees and draped over the left shoulder for men, while ordinary clothes that cover the private parts for women.

In ihram, there are several prohibitions, namely wearing perfume, cutting nails, having sexual relations, shaving hair on any part of the body, wearing a head covering for male pilgrims and covering the face for female pilgrims, and killing animals.

2. Wuquf

Wukuf means one part of the Hajj pilgrimage where pilgrims are silent and don't think about anything while praying and reciting remembrance of Allah SWT. This pillar of the Hajj is carried out in Padang Arafah from sunset to sunrise on the 9th to 10th of Zulhijjah. During wukuf, what is done is prayer and zikir.

3. Tawaf

Next there is tawaf or circling the Kaaba counterclockwise while praying. During tawaf, pilgrims can touch or kiss the Black Stone. However, if this is not possible, just point with your hand. After tawaf, the congregation performs two rak'ahs of prayer at the maqam of Prophet Ibrahim.

4. Sa'i

Sa'i is jogging or walking between Bukit Safa and Bukit Marwah seven times.

5. Tahallul

After that, the next pillar of Hajj is tahalul which means cutting hair. The male congregation shaves or trims their hair, while the female congregation cuts off a small part of their hair.

6. Orderly

The last pillar of the Hajj is orderliness, which means that all the rituals must be carried out in sequence, nothing can be skipped or the order changed. If it is not orderly, the Hajj pilgrimage is considered invalid.

Types of Hajj

The definition of Hajj is a pilgrimage that must be carried out by Muslims with physical and financial capabilities. However, it turns out that there are types of Hajj that Muslims need to know, namely:

1. Ifrad Hajj

Hajj ifrad means someone performs the Hajj pilgrimage first, then performs the Umrah pilgrimage outside the Hajj season.

2. Hajj qiran

Hajj qiran is when someone performs the Hajj pilgrimage at the same time as the Umrah pilgrimage at the miqat.

3. Hajj tamattu'

Tammatu Hajj is when someone performs the Umrah pilgrimage first, then performs the Hajj pilgrimage during the Hajj season that year.

Priorities of Hajj

Hajj, as a form of worship which is included in the pillars of Islam, apparently has its own virtues or privileges. Hajj is a worship that will be rewarded by heaven. Hajj is also a form of jihad in the way of Allah SWT.

Not only that, Hajj is also able to eliminate the nature of poverty that previously existed in humans. This worship is promised to erase the sins that have been committed in the past. Therefore, for those of you who are physically and financially able, it is recommended to carry out the Hajj pilgrimage to fulfill this fifth pillar of Islam.

Now, you understand more about the meaning of Hajj and its requirements, pillars, types and priorities. To make the Hajj pilgrimage smoother and calmer, you need to prepare everything for yourself and your beloved family at home. The risk can still arise at any time, including when you go to worship.

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