
Friday 12 April 2024

6 Rights of a Wife in Islam, Have Husbands Fulfilled It?

6 Rights of a Wife in Islam

Often forgotten, this is the wife's right in Islam. Have you fulfilled it?

Running a household life requires good cooperation, because it will last a lifetime. The main person responsible for ensuring that the household ends in harmony is the husband. Islam places the husband as a leader who must have wise qualities.

Allah says: "Men are the leaders of women, because Allah has preferred some of them (men) over others (women) and because they (men) have spent some of their wealth. "Therefore, a righteous woman is one who obeys Allah and takes care of herself when her husband is not around, because Allah has taken care of (them),". (An-Nisaa': 34)

Because it is cooperation, it contains a series of rights and obligations that must be accepted by husband and wife. Islam has determined the rights and obligations for husbands and wives, which when they are implemented, peace and a harmonious household will be achieved.

The wife, as the pillar of her husband's strength and the heart of the household, also has rights that must be granted by her husband in accordance with Islamic rules. Here are some of them:

1. Wife Rights in Islam: Getting Ma'ruf Treatment from Her Husband

Treating in a decent way or always giving the best, including providing a living from halal business, guiding and advising in a good way without insulting or criticizing.

When asked what a wife's rights are in Islam, Rasulullah SAW answered: "You feed her if you eat, you clothe her if you dress, don't hit her in the face and don't speak ill of her and don't separate her unless she stays in the house," (Saheeh Sunan Ibni Majah no. 1500)

In addition, when a Husband is continuously tender towards his spouse, it is an sign of culminate ethics and expanding confidence of a devotee, as the Last Prophet of Allah said: "The believer with the most perfect faith is the one with the best morals, and the best of you are those who are kindest to their wives. ," (Saheeh Sunan At-Tirmidhi no. 928)

And among the attitudes that honor your wife is by being gentle and joking with her. 'Aisyah RA once said: "The Messenger of Allah SAW once asked me to run a race and I was the winner and every time we ran a race I would always win, until when I objected to my body he asked me to run again and he was the one who won, then he said, 'This is retribution for my defeat yesterday,'”

2. Wife's Rights in Islam: Husbands who are wise to their wives' mistakes

Rasulullah SAW said: "Give advice to women (wives) in a good way. Because in fact the woman was created from the crooked rib of a man. The thing that is most bent is the thing at the top of the rib cage. If you want to straighten it (without using careful calculations, you will break it, but if you leave it alone), it will remain bent. Therefore, give your wife good advice." (Muttafaq 'alaih: Shahiih al-Bukhari IX/253, no. 5186), (Saheeh Muslim II/1091, no. 1468 (60))

As a husband's wise nature, one of them must be manifested when his wife makes a mistake. Because she is always under the supervision and upbringing of her husband, the right that a wife must receive in Islam is to receive good treatment even if she makes mistakes.

But still, when the husband shows a good attitude, the wife must continue to learn from mistakes so as not to repeat them in the future. This is education that is instilled by the husband in the household, which is also a form of his responsibility as a leader.

3. Wife's Rights in Islam: Her Honor Must Always Be Protected

As one of the wife's rights in Islam, the husband must protect and protect his wife from everything that could damage and dishonor her honor. One of them could be in the form of forbidding her from traveling long distances except with her or her mahram, forbidding her from adorning herself except for her husband, and preventing her from having sex with men who are not her mahram.

The husband is obliged to look after his wife wholeheartedly. A husband must not allow his wife's morals and religion to be damaged. Rasul SAW said: "A man is the leader of his family and he will be held accountable for what he leads." (Saheeh al-Bukhari (II/380, no. 893)

4. Wife's Rights in Islam: Getting Guidance About Religion

Husbands must always guide their wives in maintaining their religion and remind them to maintain their prayers, based on the words of Allah SWT: "And order your family to perform prayers and be patient in doing them." (QS Thaahaa: 132)

Husbands must not give their wives the opportunity to leave God's commandments or disobey Him, because the husband is a leader in the family who will be held accountable for his wife.

A husband is a person who is entrusted to look after and care for his wife. Based on the words of Allah SWT: "Men are leaders for women," (An-Nisaa': 34)

And also based on the words of Rasulullah SAW: "A man is the leader of his family and he will be held accountable for what he leads."

5. Wife's Rights in Islam: Getting Priority

As a husband who wants to always fulfill his wife's rights in Islam, make sure to make it a priority in every matter. As Rasulullah SAW said: "Know that you actually have rights over your wives and your wives also have rights over you."

And a husband who understands will of course always try to fulfill his wife's rights regardless of whether her rights have been fulfilled or not, because he really wants the lasting love and affection between the two of them.

6. Wife's Rights in Islam: Invited to Discuss

Another right of a wife in Islam is to gain trust to be consulted on all matters relating to household matters. This was exemplified by Rasulullah SAW when he always consulted with his wives and was willing to take their opinions.

Even though it is the husband's job as a leader, it is a good idea to invite his wife to decide on a problem, especially an important one. The wife will feel that her position is very important and needed by her husband, so that mutual respect will arise.

When a husband fulfills his wife's rights according to Islamic rules, there will be harmony and respect for each other's position.

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