
Friday 12 April 2024

6 Rights of Husbands Against Wives in Islam, Complete with Obligations

6 Rights of Husbands Against Wives in Islam

Husband's rights to wife in Islam are important for husband and wife to know. In building a married life, there are rights of the husband towards his wife that must be fulfilled. Apart from rights, there are also obligations of a husband towards his wife.

In Islam, the husband's rights to his wife have even been explained in the Koran and hadith. For this reason, the husband's rights towards his wife must be understood and implemented in a fair, balanced and mutually respectful manner.

The rights and obligations of husband and wife in marriage are interrelated and complementary. If a husband or wife does not carry out their rights and obligations, it will cause problems and injustice in the household.

regarding the husband's rights to his wife in Islam and their obligations which have been summarized from various sources

Husband's Rights Against Wife in Islam

1. Obedience in All Things

The first right of a husband towards his wife in Islam is to obey in everything, except in matters of disobedience to Allah SWT. Because there is no obedience to anyone in disobedience and disobedience to Allah SWT.

It is truly the glory and fortune of a husband whose wife always listens and filters everything that is said, obeying everything that is ordered. Therefore, the husband is the person who has the greatest rights towards his wife.

In a noble hadith, Hakim narrated from Aisyah Radiyallahu 'Anha, she said, "I asked the Messenger of Allah, 'Who is the person who has the greatest rights over women?' He said, 'Her husband.' Then I asked again, 'Who is the person who He has the greatest rights over men?' He answered, 'His mother.'"

So it is a wife's duty to honor her husband and pamper him.

2. Providing spiritual and physical support

The next right of a husband towards his wife is the right for his wife to provide for her husband in this world and the hereafter. A husband has the right to receive physical support, such as food, clothing, shelter and living expenses from his wife, according to her abilities and obligations. Husbands also have the right to receive spiritual support, such as love, tenderness, loyalty and private services from their wives, in accordance with their husband's needs and rights. This is as Allah says,

"And women have rights that are balanced with their obligations in a ma'ruf manner." (QS. Al-Baqarah: 228).

3. Don't allow other people to enter the house without your husband's permission

Another right of a husband towards his wife is that his wife not allow other people to enter the house without his consent. A wife must not allow outsiders, whether men or women, into her husband's house without his knowledge, unless there is something urgent or emergency. As the hadith of the Prophet,

"Let no wife give permission to anyone to enter her husband's house except with his permission." (HR. Ath-Thabrani).

4. Receiving dowry from wife

The next right of a husband towards his wife is the right for his wife to give her husband a dowry. A dowry is property given by a husband to his wife as a sign of respect and recognition for her. Dowry is an obligatory right of the wife which cannot be taken back by the husband, except with the wife's consent. As Allah SWT says,

"Give the women (who you marry) their dowries (dowries) with full willingness." (QS. An-Nisa: 4).

5. Wife takes care of herself and her husband's property when her husband is not there

Just as when the husband is not around, the wife must look after her husband's property, not using it except with her husband's permission, except for things that have been mutually agreed upon beforehand, in order to achieve her husband's pleasure. However, the husband should also know very well his wife's position, so as not to make her take his property without his knowledge due to his stinginess.

6. Get Mut'ah

The next right of a husband towards his wife in Islam is the right for his wife to give mut'ah to her husband if they divorce. Mut'ah is a gift given by a husband to his divorced wife as a form of affection and reassurance for the sadness she is experiencing. Mut'ah is a wife's right that her husband cannot refuse, except with the wife's consent.

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