
Sunday 5 May 2024

The Rights of Orphans in Islam

The Rights of Orphans in Islam

Islam requires Muslims to always do good, pay attention, take care of and care for orphans until they grow up.

Islam also places a very special position on anyone who actually carries out these orders.

This is because Islam pays attention to the needs, growth, and development of a child who must be left behind forever by someone who is supposed to care for him.

Islam also teaches to empathize by giving love to orphans.

In Islam, there are several rights of orphans that must be fulfilled, such as:

Sufficient needs

A quote from a hadith from Ibn Abbas RA says that Rasulullah SAW said:

"Whoever feeds and drinks an orphan among the Muslims, Allah will put him into heaven, unless he commits an unforgivable sin."

Treated Well

Furthermore, those who are classified as orphans also need to be treated well.

Allah SWT says:

"So with an orphan, do not act arbitrarily. And do not rebuke beggars." (QS Ad-Dhuha: 9-10).

Educated and Fed

As we know, apart from love, orphans also need proper food every day.

Allah SWT says:

"Do you know someone who denies religion, that is someone who rebukes an orphan child, and does not recommend giving food to the poor." (QS. Al-Ma'un: 1 3).

Given Love

Imam Ahmad narrated from Abu Hurairah RA a hadith which reads:

"I heard from Abu Hurairah that a man complained to Rasulullah about the hardness of his heart.

 Then the messenger said: Wipe the heads of orphans and feed the poor."

Get Protection

The right of orphans to receive protection and a decent life, namely clothing, food, shelter and education.

Allah SWT says:

"If God did not find you an orphan, did He protect you?" (QS Ad-Duha: 6).

Rights in Property

What is meant here is the prohibition on spending the assets that orphans have beyond their intended benefit.

This is as per the expressions of Allah SWT:

"And do not approach the property of an orphan, except in a more beneficial way until he grows up." (QS Al-An'am: 152).

Right to Receive Inheritance Assets

After being abandoned by his father, an orphan must receive his inheritance.

The portion of the inheritance he receives must be looked after by his guardian or person in charge.

These assets must be returned to the orphan when he is an adult.

A study published by the Journal Plos One shows that the psychological well-being of orphans is significantly lower than that of their friends who have parents.

Therefore, orphans must also receive full attention from everyone around them.

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