
Thursday 18 April 2024

Halal and Haram Food in Islam: Definition, Evidence, and Types

Halal and Haram Food in Islam

1. What are halal and haram food?

First, let's understand the definition of halal and haram itself. The term halal comes from Arabic, namely حلال, which means 'allow', 'let go', or 'liberate'. Based on Sucipto (2012) in Halal and Haram according to Al-Ghazali in the Book of Mau'idhotil Mukminin, halal has two meanings according to Sharia law, namely

the ability to use objects or anything, such as food, drink, and medicine, to fulfill physical needs; and the ability to use, eat, drink and do things that are determined based on the texts (words with strict instructions).

In this case, halal food means all types of food that are permitted by Islamic law to be consumed, while haram food is all types of food whose consumption is prohibited by religion.

2. Evidence about halal and haram food

In the verse above, the word halal is juxtaposed with thayyiban so that the term halalan thayyiban appears. Reported by the IHATEC page, thayyiban means 'good'. 'Good' here means that food must be of good quality and not damage health.

So, Allah SWT not only commands us to consume halal food but also halal thayyiban or 'halal and healthy food'.

The concept of halal here is not just permitted according to religion. Moreover, Dian Eka Mayasari, et al in the book Sheffield Stories explain the concept of halal in Islamic teachings in more detail. Here's the explanation:

a. Halal based on substances and

Ingredients: This means that halal food is food that does not contain substances that are prohibited in the Koran and hadith. For example, a food cannot contain pork or intoxicating ingredients.

b. Halal Food based on how you get it

A food, even if it is guaranteed to be halal in terms of content, can be haram if it is obtained in a way that is contrary to the Shari'a, for example if it is stolen food.

c. Halal based on the processing process

Apart from how to obtain it, the halalness of food also needs to be reviewed from the processing process. For example, it can be doubtful that dishes made from vegetables are halal if they are prepared using cooking utensils used for haram ingredients, for example used for cooking pork.

As for the evidence regarding haram food itself, there is a hadith where the Prophet mentioned the threat to people who eat haram food. In his words, Rasulullah SAW said which means,

"Any servant whose flesh grows from haram (food), hell is more appropriate for him." (HR. Tirmidhi).

3. Types of food that are halal in Islam

We need to know that the law as long as food and drink is halal. So, as long as there are no prohibitions stated in the hadith or Al-Qur'an, it is permissible for us to consume it.

Because of this original law, Allah SWT does not go into too much detail about food that is halal for humans to eat in the Qur'an, and neither does the Prophet in his hadiths. However, this does not mean that there is no halal food mentioned in the proposition.

There are several types of halal food that are specifically stated in the Koran and hadith, among others

1. Animals in the sea or water, whether caught or dead

"It is permissible for you sea game and food (which comes from) the sea as a delicious food for you, and for those who are on a journey; and it is forbidden for you (to catch) land game, as long as you are in ihram. And fear Allah Who is It is to Him that you will be gathered." (QS. Al-Ma'idah, [5]:96).

2. Fish and grasshoppers

From Abdullah bin Umar RA, he said, Rasulullah SAW said, "Permitted to you are two kinds of carrion and two kinds of blood. The two kinds of carrion are fish and grasshoppers, while the two kinds of blood are liver and spleen." (HR. Ibn Majah, authentic).

3. Hunted animals

They ask you, "What is lawful for them?" Say, "It is lawful for you that which is good and (game caught) by a wild animal which you have taught by training it to hunt; you teach it according to what Allah has taught you. So, eat from what it catches for you, and call it names Allah over the wild beast (when releasing it). And fear Allah, indeed Allah is very quick in reckoning." (QS. Al-Ma'idah, [5]:4).

4. Livestock, like cows, goats and sheep

O you who believe, fulfill these covenants. Livestock is permitted to you, except for those which are read to you. (That is) by not permitting hunting while you are performing Hajj. Indeed, Allah establishes laws according to what He wills." (QS. Al-Ma'idah, [5]:1).

Of course, apart from the examples above, vegetables, food, such as fruit, chicken, eggs, and others, are also halal for humans to eat.

Livestock, like cows, goats and sheep

4. Types of food that are forbidden in Islam

In contrast to halal food, haram food is explained in detail by Allah SWT in the holy book Al-Qur'an so that people avoid it. One of the letters that is the main reference regarding haram food in Islamic law is Surah Al-Ma'idah verse 3 which reads,

"It is forbidden for you (to eat) carrion, blood, pork, (animal flesh) slaughtered in the name of someone other than Allah, strangled, beaten, fallen, gored or torn by wild animals, except those you have time to slaughter." (QS. Al-Ma'idah, [5]:3).

Reported by Almanhaj, here are several types of food that are haram to consume according to Islamic teachings:

1. All types of carrion, except fish and grasshoppers

From Abu Hurairah RA, he said, a man asked the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wasallam, he said, "O Messenger of Allah! We are sailing on the sea and we only have a little water. If we perform ablution with that water, we will be thirsty. Can we perform ablution with sea water?" The Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wasallam said, "The sea is pure in water and halal in its carcasses." (HR. Ibn Majah, authentic).

2. Blood (which flows), except the liver and spleen

From Abdullah bin Umar RA, he said, Rasulullah SAW said, "Permitted to you are two kinds of carrion and two kinds of blood. The two kinds of carrion are fish and grasshoppers, while the two kinds of blood are liver and spleen." (HR. Ibn Majah, authentic).

3. Pork

4. Sacrifice for other than Allah

5. Animals that are attacked by wild animals

6. Wild animals with fangs, such as lions, tigers, dogs, wolves, monkeys and bears

7. Birds with sharp nails, for example eagles

From Ibn Abbas said, "The Messenger of Allah shallallahu 'alaihi wa sallam forbade every wild animal that had fangs and sharp hooves" [Hadith History of Muslim no. 1934]

8. Tame donkey or khimar Ahliyyah

Jabir said, "The Messenger of Allah shallallahu alaihi wa sallam forbade (eating) khimar meat during the Khaibar war and allowed horse meat." (HR. Bukhari no. 4219 and Muslim no. 1941).

9. Al-Jalalah, namely animals with two or four legs whose main food is feces

10. Animals that religion commands to be killed

From Aisyah said, "The Messenger of Allah said, five wicked (evil) animals that should be killed, both on halal and haram land, namely crows, eagles, scorpions, rats, and al-kalbul 'aqūr (vicious dogs)." [HR. Bukhari no. 1829 and Muslim no, 1198 (in Muslim chronicles, "scorpion" is changed to "snake")].

11. Animals that are prohibited from being killed according to religion

Ibn Abbas said, "The Messenger of Allah forbade killing four animals, namely ants, wasps, hoopoe birds and surad birds." [HR. Ahmad (1/332,347), Abu Daud (5267), Ibn Majah (3224), Ibn Hibban (7/463), and validated by Baihaqi and Ibn Hajar in At-Talkhis, 4/916].

"From Abdur Rahman bin Uthman Al-Qurasyi, that a healer once asked the Messenger of Allah about frogs that were used as medicine, then the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam forbade killing him." [HR. Ahmad (3/453), Abu Daud (5269), Nasa'i (4355), Al-Hakim (4/410-411), Baihaqi (9/258,318) and validated by Ibn Hajar and Al-Albani].

5. Why are there foods that are forbidden in Islam?

Everything will not be forbidden unless there is a reason. In this case, a food is declared haram because there are harms or evils that we might experience after consuming it.

The Rumaysho page reported that there are a number of reasons why it is forbidden to consume something according to Islamic teachings, including:

  • potentially harmful to the health of the will and body, such as pork, eating poisonous animals or plants, and objects that have dangerous effects if consumed (clay, coal);

  • can cause intoxicating effects, for example wine, liquor and narcotics;

  • because it is classified as unclean, for example blood or food that is not lightly unclean;

  • considered disgusting, for example swallowing semen, drinking urine, or eating human feces; And

  • not permitted by the Shari'a, for example food or something obtained by stealing or gambling.

Not only does it have an external impact, consuming haram food can also cause our prayers to not be answered by Allah SWT. In a hadith narrated by Abu Hurairah, the Prophet said,

"O all humans, indeed Allah is thoyyib (good). Allah will not accept anything except from that which is thoyyib (good). And indeed Allah has commanded the believers as He commanded the Messengers. His words, ' O Messengers! Eat good (halal) food and do good deeds. Indeed, I am All-Knowing of what you do.' And Allah also said, 'O you who believe! Eat the good fortune that we have provided for you.'" Then, the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam told about a man who had traveled a long way so that his hair was matted, dry and dusty. The man raised his hands to the sky and prayed, 'O my Lord, O my Lord.' Even though his food is from haram, his drink is from haram, his clothes are from haram, and he is given food from haram, then how will Allah accept his prayers?" (HR. Muslim no. 1015).

6. Benefits of eating halal food

Benefits of eating halal food

While haram food can bring harm, this is different from halal food which definitely brings goodness to the people who consume it. This goodness is not only in the form of benefits for the body, but is also related to our worship, you know.

What are the benefits of eating halal food? Here are some of them:

being one of the reasons why prayer is permitted by Allah SWT;

can maintain health and be an antidote to disease because halal food is generally healthy and nutritious;

halal food is a generator of pious deeds, according to Ibn Kathir; And

get Allah's approval for obeying His commands;

That is information about the reasons for halal and haram food according to Islamic teachings. So, according to the information above, make sure that the food we consume is halal in terms of content, processing and method of obtaining it. Don't let anything haram cause our prayers to not be answered by Allah!

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