
Thursday 4 April 2024

The Beauty of Education In The Time of the Prophet and His Companions

The Beauty of Education In The Time of the Prophet and His Companions

Studying the history of Islamic education is very important, especially for Islamic religious students and Islamic leaders. By studying the History of Islamic Education we can find out the reasons for the progress and decline of Islam both from the way it was educated and the way it was taught. Especially Islamic education during the time of the Prophet Muhammad SAW.

As Muslims, we should know this history in order to develop the insight of future generations in this historical knowledge. The history of Islamic education during the time of the Prophet Muhammad SAW contained two periods. Namely the Makkah period and the Medina period.

In the Mecca period, the Prophet Muhammad focused more on developing morals and morals as well as monotheism among the Arab people who lived in Mecca and during the period in Medina the Prophet Muhammad SAW carried out guidance in the social and political field. This is where Islamic education developed rapidly.


1. Islamic Education During the Time of the Prophet

Islamic education during the time of the Prophet can be divided into 2 periods:

1.Mecca period

2. Medina period

1. Islamic education during the time of the Prophet in Mecca

The Prophet Muhammad SAW received the first revelation in the Hira Cave in Mecca in 610 AD. In this revelation there is a verse from the Koran which means: "Read (O Muhammad) in the name of your God who created (the universe). He made man from a clot of blood. Read, and your God is most gracious. Who teaches with a pen. Teaching humans what they don't know [1].

Then followed by the second revelation contained in the verse of the Koran which means: O people who are covered (covered). Wake up, then give a warning! and exalt your Lord! and clean your clothes. and leave sins behind. and don't give members (with the intention of) getting more (returns). and to (fulfill the commands of) your Lord, be patient[2].

With the revelation of this revelation, the Prophet Muhammad SAW was given the task by Allah, to get up, throw off his blanket and roll up his sleeves to warn and teach all mankind, as a sacred task, the task of educating and teaching Islam. Then these two revelations were followed by revelations- another revelation. All of this was conveyed and taught by the Prophet, first to his close relatives and colleagues in secret.

After many people embraced Islam, the Prophet provided the house of Al-Arqam bin Abil Arqam as a meeting place for his friends and followers. This is where the first Islamic education in the history of Islamic education was. It was there that the Prophet taught the basics or principals of the Islamic religion to his friends and read revelations (verses) of the Koran to his followers and the Prophet received guests and other people. people who want to convert to Islam or ask questions related to the Islamic religion. In fact, it was there that the Prophet worshiped (prayered) with his friends[3].

Then a revelation came to order the Prophet to openly broadcast the Islamic religion to the entire population of the Arabian peninsula. The Prophet carried out this task as well as possible. The Prophet and his friends faced many challenges and suffering. The Prophet continued to broadcast Islam and educate his friends with Islamic education.

During the period of developing Islamic religious education in Mecca, Prophet Muhammad also taught the Koran because the Koran is the essence and main source of Islamic teachings. Besides that, the Prophet Muhammad SAW taught monotheism to his people [4].

In essence, the education and teaching given by the Prophet while in Mecca was religious and moral education and advised humans to use their minds to pay attention to human, animal, plant and universe events as recommended by 'akliyah and ilmiyah education.

Mahmud Yunus in his book History of Islamic Education, states that the development of Islamic education during the Mecca period included:

1. Religious Education

That is, read only in the name of Allah, don't associate it with the name of an idol.

1. Academic and Scientific Education

Namely studying human events from a clot of blood and events in the universe.

1. Moral and character education

Namely, the Prophet Muhammad SAW taught his friends to have good morals in accordance with the teachings of monotheism.

1.Physical Education or Health.

Namely prioritizing cleanliness of clothing, body and residence.[5]

1. Islamic education during the Period of the Prophet in Medina

In contrast to the period in Mecca, in the Medina period Islam was a political force. Many Islamic teachings relating to people's lives came down in Medina. The Prophet Muhammad also had a position, not only as head of religion, but also as head of state.

The Prophet's method of coaching and teaching Islamic religious education in Medina was as follows:

1. Formation and development of a new society, towards one social and political unity.

The Prophet Muhammad SAW began to lay the foundations for the formation of a society that was united internally (inwardly), and outwardly recognized and respected by other communities (as a political unit). These basics are:

1. The Prophet Muhammad SAW completely eradicated the remnants of hostility and conflict between tribes, by tying ties of brotherhood between them. The Prophet brought two people together, first between fellow Muhajirin, then between Muhajirin and Ansar. With the birth of this brotherhood, the unity of the Muslims grew stronger.[6]

2. To meet their daily needs, the Prophet Muhammad advised the Muhajirin to try and work according to their respective abilities and jobs, such as when they were in Mecca.

3. To establish cooperation and help each other in order to form a just and prosperous social order, the shari'ah of zakat and fasting was established, which is an education for community members in social responsibility, improving materially and morally.

4. A policy that is very effective in fostering and developing a new society in Medina is the shari'ah of communication media based on revelation, namely the Friday prayer which is carried out in congregation and the call to prayer. With the Friday prayer, almost all members of the community gather to directly hear the sermon from the Prophet Muhammad SAW and perform Friday congregational prayers.

This sense of self-esteem and social pride became even deeper after the Prophet Muhammad SWA received a revelation from Allah to move the Qibla in prayer from Baitul Maqdis to Baitul Haram in Mecca, because in this way they felt they were a people who had an identity.[7]

After the Prophet Muhammad had finished uniting the Muslims, so that they became brothers, then the Prophet entered into an agreement with the Jews, the residents of Medina. In the agreement it was emphasized that the Jews were friends with the Muslims, helping each other, helping them, especially if there was an enemy attack on Medina. They must look after the country together with the Muslims, besides that the Jews are free to embrace their religion and are free to worship according to their beliefs. This is one of the friendship agreements made by the Prophet Muhammad SAW.[8]

1. Socio-political and civic education.

The material for Islamic social and civic education at that time was the main ideas contained in the Medina constitution, which in practice were further detailed and refined with verses that came down during the Medina period.

The goal of development is so that gradually, the main ideas of the Medina constitution are recognized and apply not only in Medina, but widely, both in the life of the Arab nation and in the life of nations throughout the world.

1. Children's education in Islam

In Islam, children are the inheritors of Islamic teachings developed by the Prophet Muhammad SAW and it is the young generation of Muslims who will continue the mission of conveying Islam to all corners of the world. Therefore, there are many warnings in the Koran related to this. Among these warnings include:

In Surah At-Tahrim verse 6 there is a warning that we should protect ourselves and our family members (including children) from destruction (hell fire).

In Surah An-Nisa verse 9, it is stated that you should not leave your children and descendants weak and helpless to face life's challenges.

In Surah Al-Furqan verse 74, Allah SWT warns that people who gain glory include those who pray and ask Allah SWT, so that they will be blessed with a pleasing family and offspring.[9]

The outlines of children's education material in Islam as exemplified by the Prophet Muhammad SAW as indicated by Allah SWT in Surah Luqman verses 13-19 are as follows:

1. Tauhid education

2. Prayer Education

3. Education in polite and polite manners in society

4. Education of manners and manners in the family

5. Personality education[10]

6. Health education

7. Moral education.[11]

Differences in the main characteristics of Islamic education development during the period of the city of Makkah and the city of Medina:

Makkah city period:

The main point of fostering Islamic education in the city of Makkah is monotheism education, the emphasis is on instilling the values of monotheism into the souls of every individual Muslim, so that their souls radiate the light of monotheism and are reflected in their actions and behavior in everyday life.

Medina city period:

The main point of developing Islamic education in the city of Medina can be said to be social and political education. Which is a continuation of monotheism education in Mecca, namely coaching in the fields of social and political education so that it is imbued with the teachings, which is a mirror and reflection of the light of monotheism.

1. Islamic Education Curriculum During the Time of the Prophet Muhammad

Identifying the educational curriculum during the time of the Prophet was difficult, because the Prophet taught in a wide school of life without being confined by classroom walls. Rasulullah took advantage of various opportunities that contained educational values and Rasulullah conveyed his teachings anywhere, such as at home, in the mosque, on the street, and in other places.

The Islamic education system relies more on the Prophet, because apart from the Prophet no one has the authority to determine Islamic education materials. It can be divided into two periods:

1. Mecca

The material taught only revolves around Makiyyah verses totaling 93 letters and their instructions known as sunnah and hadith.

The material taught explains religious studies which focus on faith, worship and morals.

1. Medina

The educational efforts made by the Prophet first built a mosque institution, through this mosque the Prophet provided Islamic education.

The Islamic education material taught revolves around the areas of faith, morals, worship, physical health and social knowledge.

The method developed by the Prophet is:

1. In the field of faith: through questions and answers with deep appreciation and supported by rational and scientific evidence.

2. Worship material: delivered using demonstration and example methods so that it is easy for the public to follow.

3. In the field of morals: The Prophet emphasized the method of example. The Prophet appeared in life as a person who had glory and majesty both in words and deeds.[12]

1. The Prophet's policy in the field of education

To carry out his main function as an educator, Rasulullah has implemented a series of policies that are very strategic and appropriate to the situation and conditions.

The education process during the Prophet's time in Mecca had not gone as expected. This was not yet possible, because at that time the Prophet Muhammad had not yet acted as a leader or head of state, in fact he and his followers were under the shadow of death threats from the Quraysh infidels. While in Mecca, education took place from house to house in secret. Among the famous ones is the Al-Arqam house. The wise step taken by the Prophet Muhammad SAW in the early stages of Islam was to forbid his followers from showing their Islam in various ways. He did not meet them except by secretly educating them.

Only after the Islamic community was formed in Medina was Islamic education able to run freely and openly in general. And the policies implemented by the Prophet Muhammad while in Medina were:

1. Build a mosque in Medina. This mosque was then used as a center for educational and da'wah activities.

2. Uniting various potentials that were previously scattered and even hostile to each other. This step was outlined in a more popular document called the Medina charter. With this charter, a calm, harmonious and peaceful society is created.[13]


The main point of fostering Islamic education in the city of Makkah is monotheism education, the emphasis is on instilling the values of monotheism into the souls of every Muslim individual, so that their souls radiate the light of monotheism and are reflected in their actions and behavior in everyday life.

The main point of developing Islamic education in the city of Medina can be said to be social and political education. Which is a continuation of monotheism education in Mecca, namely development in the fields of social and political education so that it is imbued with the teachings, which is a mirror and reflection of the light of monotheism.

Education during the time of the caliph Abu Bakr was not much different from education during the time of the Prophet. During the time of the caliph Unar bin Khattab, education had improved further whereas during the time of the caliph Umar, teachers had been appointed and paid to teach in newly conquered areas. During the time of Caliph Usman bin Affan, education was handed over to the people and friends, not only focused on Medina, but was allowed to go to the regions to teach. During the time of Caliph Ali bin Abi Talib, education received less attention, this was because Ali's government was always hit by conflict that leads to chaos.

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